Baby Caleb and Me
My baby cousin Caleb was born December 18, 2012 in NY Presbyterian Hospital. Caleb is 7 months and 3 days. Caleb is the cutest baby ever. When Caleb was born he was a preemie and weighed 1 1/2 pounds and now Caleb weighs 10 pounds. My aunt Debbie had Caleb with my uncle Micheal. Caleb likes to cry, eat, sleep , poop, and likes carriage rides. Now Caleb is ok.
Jada Alys
Cool blog Jada! I'm looking forward to reading more about your summer! Thank you for everything you do for Caleb. You're the best cousin ever!!!
ReplyDeleteThanks for checking out my blog, check back daily for new stuff!
ReplyDeleteThank you for sending me this, sweetie! That's a great picture of the two of you!